Visual and Product Designer



I love visual story-telling. Below are a few examples of posters I created.


Animation on Display


I created various promotional material for a local event - Animation on Display (AOD), from 2011 to 2015. AOD was a family friendly event that celebrates Japanese animation and gaming culture.

Above is the program guide cover, mascot, and badges for AOD’s tenth anniversary. The marketing theme for that year was World’s Fair, and the event was held at San Francisco Japan Town. 

  • Program Guide: I inserted anime and gaming characters throughout the cover design.

  • Badges: The marketing team requested separate designs for pre-registered attendees, so I recommended a Ninja, Private, and Zombie theme as a nod to pop culture. The exhibitors and guest of honor designs are different races and classes that are common in games.





This poster depicts the concept of Earth’s biosphere approaching a state shift as a result of human altered landscape.

Published in news outlets such as UMN Today, HyvesEarthSkyStanford ReportUC Berkeley News.


American Kestrel


Watercolor painting of American Kestrel in Art Nouveau style. The background ring depicts the life cycle of the kestrel from baby to adults. The bottom landscape includes habitat description.


Birds Together


My personal project depicting relationship of two birds of meeting, falling in love, bickering, and nesting together. A variation of the first four stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, performing.